
Couscous (pronounced Koose-Koose) is considered a pasta which is made of small granules of semolina flour, and is traditional in North African cuisine. It is also available made from whole-wheat flour, which slightly increases the fiber and boosts nutritional value. It is a culinary ingredient used as a substitution for rice or quinoa, it is very… Reads more »

Don’t forget your CORE

Hey guys Make sure before you take your rest day you do your core workout! I love @justaddmuscle simple steps to hit all your ab muscles. Rosa

Cooking with Rosa Acosta: Banana Bread

Rosa Acosta offers another quick and healthy snack recipe: Banana Bread with a few different (more healthy) ingredients! Ingredients: 1 cup of mashed ripe bananas (About 3 bananas) 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 cup of low-fat plain yogurt 3/4 cup of light brown sugar 2 large egg whites 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract (or almond… Reads more »